OUR NEW trusted expert is ready to help!
Our clients have long been waiting for this announcement!
We are so excited to finally announce something we've been working on for a while now. We've searched the ends of the earth to find a true expert in the book marketing field who could help our authors in their book & author marketing strategies. An expert with not only plenty of experience but one who shared our values and who was located in Canada as a lot of clients wanted. We are so happy to finally say we found the perfect company to partner with!
Our Book Marketing - Trusted Expert, is a book marketing agency located in BC, Canada. They work with both independent authors and small publishers to create customized publicity campaigns to launch books and build author platforms. Their packages are great for authors who prefer to have control of their branding and publicity or for those with a smaller budget.
If are ready to invest on your book's future, our Trusted Expert also offers specialized a-la-carte marketing services for authors. Ana Chabrand Design House can also collaborate with our recommended Book Marketing Trusted Expert on any graphic design projects for any marketing campaign you create with them. Basically, you'll have the best Marketing & Branding team on your side.
Let us help you get your book publicity needs covered with our contact in the industry!
With their experienced hands, your curated self-publishing team is now complete and ready for you- if and when you need it.